The future is bright. The future is Full Sync.

by MaddOx

We’d like to start off by wishing everyone we’ve had the pleasure of working with, and to all those who have ever visited the site to show their support, a Happy New Year.

2017 has been one hell of a roller coaster for us here at Full Sync, both on a professional and personal level. We started up a little over twelve months ago with the idea of producing gaming and tech reviews/news with a focus on simplicity, transparency, and quality. We’re hoping that most people would agree that we’ve done that.

Along the way, we’ve made some great friends, spoken to some fantastic people and managed to wiggle our way into some top events (big shout out to our friends at eBuyer for hooking us up with passes to i61). We’ve also seen a lot of new faces joining our team as well, contributing to reviews and other pieces, and we’d love to see the family continuing to grow this year.

In total, 2017 saw us publish 372 posts, that’s more than one a day, and hopefully, we can push that number even higher in 2018. But that won’t be the only thing we try to improve on as we look to give the site a fresh new look later in the year, bring you more video content and published articles on a more frequent basis, because we know we’ve been slacking a bit of late.

And that’s where the personal stuff has come in to play. We’ve all had a lot going on in our lives this year which has diverted our time away from continuing to develop and improve Full Sync. But, at the end of the day, family is the most important thing above all else so if we need to take time out to support our own we hope that you understand and respect that when we do have quiet patches.

After all, we’re not fortunate enough at the moment to be doing this as an actual job, we all have other full-time vocations and running Full Sync is something we do and enjoy in our spare time. Fingers crossed that could change one day, and if it happens this year, that would be great, if not, we’ll continue doing this because we love it and because we want you to have access to high-quality content and honest opinions, as opposed to sites that practice lazy journalism copying and pasting all their content.

Even with everything that has been going on though, we did have a strong end to the year publishing some awesome reviews, and who can forget the brilliant giveaway we hosted courtesy of our friends at Sandberg.

It’s incredible to think how far we’ve come over the past year, and here’s to bigger and better things in 2018!

Thanks for reading!

Love, the Full Sync massive.

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