Contact Us – It’s as easy as counting 1, 2… what comes next?

by Stark

If you want to get in touch with comments or general enquiries, this is the place! If you’d like to contact us about something more specific please check the email addresses below for all your possible website-related needs.

Contact Form

Error: Contact form not found. – Send Josh, our all-around superstar, hardware and interview editor, a message if you have peripheral/accessory review enquiries, interview requests, or just want to have a lovely conversation with the team’s most pleasant writer. He may or may not respond with pictures of his cats. It’s a coin toss. Josh is also the man you should talk to about sponsored posts or advertisement. – Chris is a mystery man of many talents and manages our YouTube account and general admin stuff whilst providing us with the odd handsome review. He also has a really nice face so be sure to ask for pictures. – Kind. Generous. Capable of self-restraint. Nil is absolutely none of those things but he does an alright job with Photoshop and can talk about games and tech long enough to make literally anybody lose interest and walk away. He once ate 60 Jaffa Cakes in a day. Email him if you’d like to share an article on FULLSYNC or contribute to Getting a Life.

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