A brief word about Full Sync and advertising (also, staff blog!)

by Lars

A few weeks ago I was approached by CDkeys.com offering an affiliation link. This was great! People wanted to advertise through my website. I put a banner up top and there it sat for a few days, not really doing very much for anybody; taking up valuable real estate at the top of every page.

I started Full Sync because I love games and the industry around them. I love (for the most part) the wonderful, weird mix of people that play them. You can connect with complete strangers over shared experiences and make friends the world over. It’s awesome! But running a website (and the multiple giveaways we do on a regular basis), paying for hosting, design, business cards, Josh’s webcam habits etc costs money. So obviously, to make this thing the best possible thing it can be, we are going to advertise as we grow. They won’t be intrusive, and they’ll always be relevant.

But having that CDkeys banner at the top of the page doesn’t seem in line with where we’re at as a site. We’re about the community – the Twitch streamers and developers we interview, the indie games we review, the games and gadgets we give away as often as we possibly can. So here’s the Full Sync advertising policy going forwards.

For every bit of sponsored content or affiliate links we push, we’ll offer up free advertising on the site header for just about anything SFW and gaming related. Streamers, crafters, Etsy shops, indie games and studios, Kickstarters… anything relevant and decent. We’ll decide it all on a case-by-case basis but if you’re interested just send me an email (stark@fullsyncgaming.co.uk) and we’ll get it set up. I’ll even whip up a banner for you if you don’t have one. We’ll keep the advertising split between stuff that keeps the lights on and free exposure for people who need it!

I’ll be launching an Affiliates page soon. If you use any of the sites we’re affiliated with please click onto them through our links to help us keep Full Sync going. As more advertising opportunities arise we’ll figure them out as a group and launch them in a way that doesn’t intrude on our articles.

As always, thank you all for your readership and the continued support of the developers, streamers, and companies that work with Full Sync.


Check out our Full Sync Staff Blog for future posts HERE.

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