Tears of the Kingdom is here, and it’s chock-full of secrets, treats and things to discover. One of my first tasks was to go and find my house in Hateno Village from Breath of the Wild.
Well, Tears of the Kingdom is set a while after the events of Breath of the Wild, and apparently, that means Link gave his house up to someone else…..all that wood! All the money.
No bother, my friends at the Hudson Construction Company helped me build it, perhaps they can help again? Well, yeah, kinda.
Here’s a quick guide to getting your own house in Tears of the Kingdom.

Son and done
Do you want a house in a prime location? Well, you’re in luck! Sure, Tears of the Kingdom doesn’t let you have your old home, but it does give you much more space, choice and function.
You can build your own home in a fashion! Thanks to the Hudson Construction methods, you and Ultrahand can knock a home together in minutes. Albeit at cost…..significant Rupee expense.
Up to 15 units can be had to build a behemoth of a home in Tears of the Kingdom. This isn’t a little cottage in a village, it’s a modular masterpiece, with a view. Home inspection permitting, you can go wild.
How do you get to this construction haven? It’s not too tough, but it is pricey, and you do need to get to Tarrey Town. If you helped Hudson build the town and get married, you’re in for a treat. Go see your old friends.
I want to keep this brief, more as a point in the right direction, not a guide that walks you through side story spoilers. Enjoy the game at your own pace, and when you get to where you need to be, you can follow some steps to get you building that humble abode.
How it is done
- Head to Tarrey Town. It’s right where you left it in Breath of the Wild, in the Akkala Highlands.
- Go to the Hudson Construction Headquarters (lots of cardboard cutouts of Hudson there)
- Speak with Hudson and Rhondson and follow the questline called “Mattison’s Independence”
- Once done, you can start the questline “Home on arrange”
- Speak with Rhonson and get that sweet, sweet 50% discount. You’ll still need to pony up 1500 Rupees to get started, though.

Modular living
Once you’ve paid for the plot of land, you’re heading up to near the shrine on the hill (this was a fun shrine to complete. I just drove around until I’d run everything over….). This means you’ve got fast travel to your new home. A big improvement in Tears of the Kingdom!
The special deal you got came with two modules. A lobby and a bedroom.
Now you get to Ultrahand each unit, move them to where you’d like in the area and put them together. Within seconds you have a humble abode.
It’s not big though, and I need that weapon storage/display.
Well, you’re in luck. Modular-style housing means you can buy more units to attach to your home. Tears of the Kingdom is giving you personal home-building in spades here.
You need plenty of Rupees to get it done, but you can have up to 15 units to make your mega home, and the rooms range from weapon, shield and bow storage. To a kitchen, a paddock or even a blessing room.
Tears of the Kingdom lets you have your own personal plot of land with a house exactly as you like it. Keep a horse there, get your hearts and stamina there. Cook, sleep and just live!

Living Links best life
Compared to Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom somehow seems to be bigger, deeper and better in almost all ways. A custom home with plenty of options is just another way that we see this.
I miss the home from Hateno Village, but my new house is all mine, and exactly what I want it to be. Link must be pretty damn happy that he’s got his own pad.
Now……to get some Rupees so I can afford more rooms!
Looking for more help on Tears of the Kingdom? Check out our Guides section which is full of helpful content to get you through the game.
1 comment
[…] story in Tears of the Kingdom is enriched by the use of regional allies and the reintroduction of some more traditional-style […]