THQ Nordic sets up development studio

by Rebel.Red.Carnation

THQ Nordic today announced the incorporation of its new studio Nine Rocks Games in Bratislava, Slovakia. The team will be working on a game in the shooter/survival genre. More information on the project itself will be released in due time.

DayZ (2018), Soldier of Fortune 3 (2007), Conan (2004), Chaser (2003) are some of the projects the team has been working on before joining the THQ Nordic network of development studios.

David Durcak, CEO of Nine Rocks Games explains:

We are very much looking forward to setting up shop in our office, gradually optimizing our teamsize, and getting to work on our project. With THQ Nordic as a partner, our roster of talent found perfect conditions to collaborate on our first joint project.

Klemens Kreuzer CEO of THQ Nordic also adds:

We welcome the newest addition to the THQ Nordic network of studios: Nine Rocks Games. I personally think it is always a great sign in business, when everything just seems to fall into place. The right people at the right time having the right mindset and a meaningful conversation… We are very happy to welcome the Slovak team onboard and are excited about our first project with Nine Rocks Games.

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