Risen, Sacred, Rush for Berlin, Second Sight and Singles: Flirt Up Your Life will join THQ Nordic’s treasure cove of publishing IPs

by MaddOx

Risen, Sacred, Rush for Berlin, Second Sight and Singles: Flirt Up Your Life will join THQ Nordic’s treasure cove of publishing IPs

Just because several sports leagues have to take an understandable break from their daily business, there is still room for news on the international transfer market of intellectual properties: THQ Nordic and Koch Media today set up shop for swapping publishing rights for some of their respective intellectual properties.

The warmest of welcomes to Risen, (now THQ Nordic unifies all Piranha Bytes titles under one roof), Sacred (some of us invested more time than they would like to admit), Rush for Berlin, Second Sight and Singles: Flirt Up your Life. Evaluations on remasters, ports, potential sequels & new content etc. will start right away. We have something in mind already.

From Koch Media to THQ Nordic: Risen, Sacred, Rush for Berlin, Second Sight and Singles: Flirt Up Your Life

Farewell, Painkiller!
Hell & Damnation was just an all around awesome project to work on. It is hard to believe that it was already 8 years ago for Daniel Garner and actually marked our (then: Nordic Games) first big title. What we had was truly special and although we made a lot of mistakes, we also did a lot of really awesome stuff when we published you. Unfortunately, though, today marks the day where we will let you go. We know you will get a lot of love in your new home.

Farewell, Red Faction!
We loved working on Re-Mars-tered (yes, we do have a certain reputation for corny names for remasters, and we are damn proud of it), but the time has come to put our sledgehammers on the shelf. Live long and prosper!

From THQ Nordic to Koch Media: Red Faction, Painkiller

About Risen
Risen is a third-person action RPG created by Piranha Bytes. Risen is considered a spiritual successor to the Gothic series, and a spiritual predecessor of ELEX

About Sacred
The Sacred series is a hack and slash RPG series and is reminiscent of Diablo. Same concept: level, loot, perfecting your character.

About Rush for Berlin
Rush for Berlin is a real-time tactics game set in World War II. In the contest for the German capital Berlin, the player must fight with the American, British, French, and Soviet armies.

About Second Sight
Second Sight is a science fiction action-adventure stealth video game, featuring a protagonist with memory of their past and psychic abilities.

About Singles: Flirt Up Your Life
Singles: Flirt Up Your Life is a Life (and love life) simulation game from the early 2000s.

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