As the secrets of Vikendi continue to reveal themselves, it’s time to open your eyes and arms to the changes and new content included in PUBG Update 7.2. To view the full details, check out the latest patch notes here or the patch notes video here.
The next update for PUBG hits PC live servers on May 20, with console and Stadia live servers dropping on May 26. For those that want to experience the action right away, the PC Test Server is open today! Please see below for a quick overview of new content:
- Ranked Mode: Ranked Mode is the heaviest addition to the game with players invited to play under a different and more competitive set of rules with all of the action being tracked and rewarded under a new system. AI will be added in update 7.2, however, no AI will be featured in Ranked Mode. Playing in Ranked Mode will mean 64 total players, no Red Zones, and a focus on making the best loot more readily available. It means saying goodbye to Survival Title (stats will be preserved though) but the rewards for Ranked Mode should flow freely.
- Jerry Can: You really shouldn’t, but we know some of you really love playing with fire. The trusty ol’ Jerry Can is more dangerous than ever with new capabilities based on the fuel inside. First, you can now throw a Jerry Can, which spills some of the fuel where it lands. Similarly, players can pour the fuel from a Jerry Can creating puddles of potential destruction wherever they want. As long as it hasn’t evaporated (this usually takes a few minutes), all of that spilled fuel can be ignited with explosions, Molotovs, and gunfire.
- Shotguns Rework: Shotguns are a different story, now doing 1.5x damage to the head and 1.05x damage to limbs (up from 1.25x and 0.9x, respectively), so you’re truly getting more bang for the buck. While damage increases will get the headlines, the improved utility of shotguns will really come from the reduced accuracy penalty during movement, less damage drop at range, and better hip-firing accuracy. Vikendi just got a lot louder.
- Weapon Balancing: A few other weapons are being slightly adjusted to balance out gameplay styles and open up new possibilities. Some of the most popular assault rifles are seeing reductions in recoil. Even the M416 specifically is getting a reduction in base damage among other changes.
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