Hotel Renovator demo will be available mid-June!

by MaddOx

Two Horizons Studio has officially confirmed the release date of the long-awaited Hotel Renovator demo, just in time for the upcoming Steam Next Festival, starting June the 16th!

Players will be able to download and play the pre-production version of the game for the first time. On top of that, various content creators and developers will be live streaming the demo, talking about the mechanics, and sharing their experience through a few hours of gameplay.


Player’s celebration on Steam

This year’s summer edition of the Steam Next Festival will run from June 16th to June 21st and it’s a great opportunity for Indie game fans to test out the upcoming Steam titles, totally free! Two Horizons studio will be presenting the first playable version of their soon-to-be-released Hotel Renovator simulator. In the game, players will have the opportunity to become an owner of an old hotel, which they have to successively restore to its former glory.

The Hotel of endless possibilities

Starting from removing old and unnecessary furniture, through walls and floor preparation, to a complete transformation of hotel rooms – the life of a hotel owner is never boring.

We wanted to give our players a chance to feel like the owners of their own businesses. After just a few minutes spent in the hotel, they will feel at home and they will like their guests to feel like that too. Although each client has individual requirements, and there are specific tasks that have to be taken care of, players can meet them in many ways, using their own creativity.

Jakub Wolff | CEO Two Horizons S.A.

The most interesting part of the Hotel Renovator gameplay seems to be the creative decoration process. Players are given a staggering amount of decoration and interior design elements. The walls and floors themselves can be finished in hundreds of ways and the only limitation here is the player’s imagination.

Hotel Renovator lounge through to bedroom

Designers’ paradise

When it comes to furniture, lighting, and decorations, Hotel Renovator truly impresses. Every interior design fan will feel just at home here. The in-game objects are originally and carefully designed and the number of patterns and colors available makes anyone playing the game instantly feeling inspired. It all adds up to a simulator game that engages like nothing we’ve seen so far.

This game excites me. The creative freedom combined with a realistic look allows for a full range of aesthetic experiences. The fully equipped rooms look like real rooms, and taking screenshots of your designs and sharing them with friends is now our favourite activity. I like such an uninhibited creative space.

Jakub Rak | Game Designer & Architect Two Horizons S.A.

Hotel Renovator – Vlogs

Two Horizons has been regularly publishing vlogs showing and describing the mechanics of Hotel Renovator. Right now there are six vlog episodes available.

The first activity that the player has to decide upon after preparing a room for general renovation is the look of walls and floors. Hotel Renovator’s vlog number four covers this very aspect of the game. The selection of materials and patterns to choose from is downright stunning, and all the tools player uses to achieve the end result is very intuitive.

Vlog number 5 is where things get even more interesting. One of the key mechanics of the game is matching the appropriate hotel rooms to the preferences of guests interested in a booking. As an example, a famous influencer is about to visit and the room has to be prepared according to his requirements.

The topic of the sixth Hotel Renovator vlog is economics. Using a tablet, which is a kind of player’s “command centre” in the game, prices of individual rooms have to be fixed according to their standard. Customers will not be happy to pay the full price for a room that is sub-standard or just untidy. Each of the guests visiting the hotel has specific requirements and if these are satisfied, the higher cost of stay will not be a problem.

From the next episodes of the vlog, you can clearly see that the game is very realistic and graphically detailed, but achieving the desired result in decorating the rooms and corridors is simple and intuitive. The economy adds the intended twist and the game seems to be really well-thought-out in general.

Anyone who downloads the game’s demo will be able to test it throughout the Stem Next Festival for free. The studio has announced that it will keep the community updated about the announced game streams through their social media and the Steam platform. A few other competitions and attractions will be taking place as part of the event, so it’s a good idea to follow the Hotel Renovator devlogs on the Steam card to be updated on those. The first stream is announced to take place at the beginning of the festival, 16.06 at 20:00 CEST.

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