We’ve reviewed our fair share of security solutions at FULLSYNC, from IP Cameras to fingerprint door locks. But now we’re turning our eye to software. ESET is a growing name in the computer security space. So much so that recently I was asked to consider them for an enterprise solution at work.
I’ve always had an awareness of ESET, but never really considered their products. Being in IT in my real job, and having the chance to engage with some products in my fun job (I do love writing!!), I jumped at it.
How does ESET Home Security Ultimate stack up for home use? Particularly for gaming and entertainment needs. Can I run and create content for websites like here and ninjarefinery.com? It’s important, uploading, downloading and running software that scans and checks could impede.
What products do they provide and are they worth the money? This is very much a consumer review and not a technical paper in any way, so please bear that in mind. I’ve focused heavily on two specific elements. With a broader view of other aspects of their offering.

We all need an anti-virus, that’s just a fact. If you’re connected to the internet, you’re a target. Simple.
ESET is no slouch or newbie in the security arena. Having been around since 1987 in one guise or another. So knowing they have pedigree is always a green flag for me.
The installation was easy enough and the initial scan was effortless. Manual scanning is easy, in-depth and very user-friendly too. I’ve seen it catch and quarantine threats from emails, which has been great. And I’ve been running scans on all kinds of downloaded files.
The peace of mind cannot be understated, and the trust we put in anti-virus software can be easily abused. ESET doesn’t seem to be doing anything untoward, at all.
No messages for new products to buy, no alerts to try and trick me into early upgrades, and basically no Norton crap.
Better still, the AV runs really light on the RAM. Anti-virus can be a memory hog and that’s the last thing you want when you’re gaming. ESET has delivered a robust, reliable and easy-to-use tool.

Built into ESET Security Ultimate comes is a VPN client and I cannot sing its praises enough. I’ve been using it heavily for entertainment and the choice of countries, the speed of connection and the stability have all been excellent.
I’ll never rely on a VPN to hide me from doing anything naughty. But the geo-locked content that becomes available is a massive selling point for me and ESET delivers in spades here. Even providing some 10Gbps-capable links!
For the price of the entire ultimate package (that includes the VPN), you could pay the same or more just for a VPN solution. That’s not to be sniffed at, at all.
Combined with a solid and lightweight AV, you’re in a good spot, for a good price.

Other features
The Ultimate version comes with licences for 5 devices (including MacOS), this can be mobile devices, too.
You have the ESET Home app to manage your licences and get a view of your overall security stance, too.
There’s a built-in encryption tool which I’ve not used, as a fan of Bitlocker. However, it’s nice to have. ESET even gives you a password manager, which again, I love to have, but already use an alternative product.
Frankly, the ESET Ultimate licence gives you a lot of bang for your buck, from a company that’s been in the industry for decades.
The network inspector really hates my Steam Deck when it starts a file transfer between my PC and itself, but at least it’s letting me know there’s unusual traffic.
The web browser privacy and security tool does a solid job, too. I’m alerted, given choices and advice on how to proceed, and what more could you want?

Overall thoughts on ESET Home Security Ultimate
Truth be told, I’m always dubious about AV and security products, after years of seeing horrible software deployed for home use. ESET has helped me realise there’s some good out there, and not everyone is as scummy as Norton.
For a good price, you can get all of the above-mentioned features for an entire year. Note that there’s an offer currently for $77 which is less than some VPN providers alone.
The comfort of knowing my PC isn’t being hammered for resources, whilst still being protected is a big one for me and it was my main focus coming into this.
Is it the best security product in the world? I haven’t seen the whitepapers and done the tests and benchmarks. So I can’t comment. However, it seems to be doing a good job at a good price point and isn’t impairing day-to-day use. That’s worth its weight in gold.
You can grab this security software from the official ESET website. And while you wait for it to download and install, you can check out more of our software reviews.