XPG, an award-winning provider of gaming and high-performance systems, components, and peripherals, today launched the XTREMER partnership program.
As Esports and streaming become the focus of the gaming industry and community, there is a clear demand from both established and new content creators for support from gaming brands. XPG sees this need and is committed to helping talented content creators of all levels. The partnership program is XPG’s latest project in pursuit of meeting this demand.
The purpose of the XTREMER partnership program is to support talented individuals on their journey to online stardom. Content creators of all types including streamers, Esports competitors, cosplayers, and tech enthusiasts, among others, are all encouraged to join the program.
Membership in the partnership program gives access to a supportive community of like-minded creators and the support of XPG via Xtreme Performance Gear. XPG products will help members enhance their gaming experience, and by extension help them to create better content and achieve new heights in their content creation journey. The program is not limited to any pre-established level of fame or following. All content creators are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
The XTREMER partnership program is not as simple as using XPG hashtags. The program offers several opportunities to acquire various types of rewards including XPG gear, Steam cards, and others gaming related items. The purpose of these rewards is to both encourage and support creators to push their content to the next level. All members are eligible to earn rewards. Feedback from program members will also help in the development of future XPG products and services.
The XTREMER partnership program is live now. Visit the link to learn more about the program and register today: https://event.xpg.com/xtremers/en

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