PlayStation Plus members get 5 extra days after network outage
PlayStation has confirmed that its network services are now fully working again after a recent issue. As
PlayStation has confirmed that its network services are now fully working again after a recent issue. As
PlayStation players who were excited to enjoy their favourite games this weekend are facing a big problem. The PlayStation Network (PSN) is down worldwide, making it impossible to play online, buy games, or even log in to accounts.
DOGFIGHTER -WW2- roars onto PSN today for North American users, taking Battle Royale action into the skies!
Along a string of multiple triple-A titles which are released each month on both PC and Consoles,
Name: Nathan Walley Occupation: Full-time bad ass Favourite Game: Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 Skills/Talents: Rage Quits, Perseverance,