Hear ye! It is time for you to answer your life’s calling: practising medicine without a medical license. A critical success on PC and mobile, Astrologaster is based on a truly ridiculous — and thus truly human — story. From 18th February, you will get to cure the plague, treat patients and advise 16th century London society thanks to the stars… Right from your Nintendo Switch.
Play as Simon Forman, an astrological “doctor” who performs astrological readings to advise his patients on everything from marriage and love to pesky digestive troubles. But beware, for one thing is certainly written in the stars: how you choose to aid your patients will have consequences. So-called “real” and “licensed” doctors will call you a quack and a fraud, pfft. Help enough patients to prove these medical elitists wrong!
Developed in collaboration with the Wellcome Collection and the University of Cambridge’s Dr. Lauren Kassel and her team, Astrologaster is based on the real-life of Simon Forman, astrologer and aspiring medical professional, and his recorded casebooks.

Now, on Nintendo Switch, take your (un)questionable practices wherever you go and become the doctor you were always meant to be.
Astrologaster key links:
- Website: https://www.astrologaster.com/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/nyamyamgames
- Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/742520/Astrologaster/
- Soundtrack on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/34DDjLjxYBJyC5bnrb4grm
- Soundtrack on Bandcamp: https://nyamyam.bandcamp.com/
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