WoW Classic Dungeons Locations guide

If you’re on a quest to enjoy the best spoils available in WoW Classic, then you’ll need to start exploring some dungeons. You can get some fantastic equipment from taking down bosses and quests that you’ll find within these dungeons. Players choose to tackle dungeons for the epic armour you can gain, as it can put you in good stead for the Classic raids you’ll face along your journey.

In this guide, we’ve provided details on a list of some of the most common dungeons, and you’ll also get some hints and tips along the way.

How to tackle a dungeon

Five players are often the minimum requirement for each dungeon, although there is a variety that needs up to ten players, and differs as you cannot complete quests in these ones. Many players utilize a Mythic+ Boost to make the dungeon takedown easier, and three damage classes, one healer, and a tank are usually the most effective lineups to complete a dungeon, and if you ensure one of the three classes are damage-dealers with healing spells, then you’ll feel the benefits. Classic doesn’t offer a way to search for a group, but you’ll often find some help in the zone chat when you target a particular dungeon.

You could also use the trade chat of the capital cities to find others.

Most popular dungeons

We’ve detailed some of the most popular WoW Classic dungeons below for your reading pleasure.

Ragefire Chasm

Razorfen Kraul

Shadowfang Keep

Wailing Caverns

WoW Classic Dungeons

The Deadmines

Blackfathom Deeps

The Stockade

Scarlett Monastery

We hope our WoW Classic dungeons locations guide helps you, and as usual, drop us a line in the comments!

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