This satirical stock market simulator brings narrative gameplay to the world of day trading where you can get rich… at a price!
Did someone say Stonks? Publisher Fellow Traveller and developer Power Struggle Games are pleased to announce that The Invisible Hand, the satirical, first-person stock market trading simulator, will launch for Windows PC on May 7.
Watch the The Invisible Hand Date Announcement Video:
The Invisible Hand will retail for $12.99 USD, and fans can also purchase the Deep Pockets Edition to get the game as well as its original soundtrack for $16.99 USD. Both editions will be available for PC through Steam, GOG, and Humble.
A demo of The Invisible Hand will be available as part of Fellow Traveller’s LudoNarraCon 2021 event, running April 23 through April 26.
Play The Invisible Hand demo on Steam
The Invisible Hand combines a satirical take on stock trading with a thought-provoking narrative to create an illuminating tale of finance and personal responsibility. You’ll begin the game on your very first day at the trading firm FERIOS, a brokerage where they turn a blind eye to breaking the rules as long as you deliver results. Profit is what matters and the rules don’t apply to winners. Plenty of others want your position, so it’s up to you to make money, at any cost.
Just remember: profit is all that matters, the rules don’t apply if you’re a winner, and only losers feel guilty for the pain, loss and poverty that are the unfortunate but unavoidable by-product of the critical and important work we do here.

More About The Invisible Hand:
Buy, Sell and ShortIt’s simple: your job is to make money for FERIOS. Buy the stocks going up, sell before they go down. Short the ones that are going to fall (or the ones you’re going to make fall). The more money you make, the bigger your commission. And you want that commission, don’t you? Well don’t worry, the rewards are limitless, if you’re hungry enough.
Manipulate the Market If you’re really smart, you’ll find ways to influence the market to your advantage. Think you can lobby an influential group to affect the market? Do it. Get an opportunity to acquire majority shares to move the needle? Take it. Drive down the currency of a foreign country to improve the margins of the companies that import their products? Why not? The only consequences that matter are the ones that impact our bottom line.
It’s Not Insider Trading If You Don’t Get Caught Every Joe Schmo has access to the regular news. If you want to get ahead of the spikes and crashes you’ll need to find the inside line from more, shall we say, “exclusive” sources. And definitely don’t let those rumors of a financial investigation get you down. No one employed by FERIOS has ever been found guilty!
You’re A Winner! Who Cares About Losers? We’re one big happy team here at Ferios and nothing brings the team together like competition. So in the spirit of togetherness you better meet your daily profit targets and beat your coworkers’ results if you want to keep your job. We won’t hesitate to fire anyone who can’t or won’t do what it takes to succeed…
Imagine All The Rewards That Await You The fruits of success are yours for the taking. Fast cars, lavish parties, fancy apartments filled with beautiful furniture and artworks. Of course, for any truly successful trader, work is its own reward and their true home is the office so it’s a good thing you can decorate your desk with photos of all your wonderful things to remind you they exist.
About Power Struggle GamesUnabashedly political, Power Struggle Games is a French game development collective cheekily intent on dismantling Capitalism from the inside, through games.
Organically mutating into a working studio, development trio Benjamin Martin (Creative Director & Lead Programmer), Nicolas Muller (Unity Expert) and Plule (Game-feel Visionary) have a passion for numbers that go up and interactive experiences that elicit discourse about contemporary society and economic injustice.
Conceived in 2015, The Invisible Hand is the collective’s first major game project.
- Website: Power Struggle Games
- Twitter: @PowerStruggleG
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