Global video game publisher Leoful and Taipei-based indie developer Busy Toaster Games, today have gifted another content update for their terrain bending adventure Georifters. Here is a breakdown on what’s on offer:

– This ain’t no cosplay, its new costumes!
Each one of the seven heroes of Georifters have got a whole new set of fun and wacky Winter Outfits and (much less appropriate for this time of year) Swimsuit themed costumes. Each costume piece can be unlocked by playing through the game normally and then purchased with earned crystals. And they can be mixed and matched with original costumes.

And as you can see for yourself some of these Swimsuits are just weirder than weird. Dr. Schnoz has taken up a deep sea exploration hobby, while Chief has brought his chocolate ice cream fixation to a whole new level. Lex just acquired his snorkeling license and is now chilling out doing his own thing. As usual. Whatever. Don’t miss out on these awesome seasonal themed costumes!

– New Achievements / Badges
There’s no such thing as an overachiever. Which is why Georifters is getting even more achievements! These achievements are won playing the new game modes: Match Challenge and Match Arena. Some of them are challenging, yes, but don’t worry because others are even more challenging! But since your sense of pride and accomplishment can’t be purchased, you better suit up, sit down, and get to it!

– New ‘Match Arena’ game mode (X 12 NEW Levels)
Matches are the name of the game in the Match Arena. How it works is that 2-4 players go head-to-head or team-to-team in twelve new levels to see who can make as many matches as they can. Matches happen when you move a block into an Anomaly, the strange shapes that result from unstable fluctuations in the fabric of the space-block continuum. So far so good? Basically you’re trying to match everything you can before your opponents can. But if you’re the cheeky type you can “unmatch” what your opponent has matched. So you need to keep your wits about you as you smash, flip, roll, and crush your way through some fast paced matching mayhem.
Check out the game’s official website here.
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