Athenian Rhapsody teams up with OTK Network for an epic in-game event

by MaddOx
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Athenian Rhapsody, the critically acclaimed RPG that’s been charming gamers on PC, consoles, and mobile since its May launch, is about to get even more exciting! In a surprise announcement at the OTK Expo, the game revealed its first-ever online event in collaboration with the OTK Network. This limited-time event will give players the chance to grab a special “OTK Rhapsody,” granting access to exclusive in-game content featuring cameos from beloved internet personalities like Asmongold and Emiru.

Athenian Rhapsody screenshot

Described as a “souls-like platonic dating simulator with Cooking Mama and WarioWare-style battle mechanics,” Athenian Rhapsody has been winning over players with its unique blend of classic RPG elements, modern exploration, and side-splitting humour. The game also boasts an innovative online system that transforms save files into tradable “Rhapsodies,” allowing players to share their unique experiences with friends and create a truly personalised memento of their adventures.

This new event promises to build on that system, adding even more replayability and free content for the game’s growing community. Taking inspiration from retro Pokémon events, the OTK Rhapsody event is sure to be a hit with fans of the game and the OTK Network alike.

Athenian Rhapsody painting in-game

If you’re ready to dive into the colourful world of Athens and create your own unique Rhapsody, you can find Athenian Rhapsody on PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, iOS, and Android devices.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your friends, sharpen your swords (or spatulas), and get ready to experience Athenian Rhapsody like never before!

Athenian Rhapsody official OTK Expo trailer

Athenian Rhapsody key features

  • Explore the colourful world of Athens, and hop from town-to-circus-to-UFO-piloted-by-cats-in-the-sky as you write your Rhapsody.
  • Answer a deep, meaningful personality test that reveals your deepest, darkest desires (such as wanting to be a bus driver).
  • Party members galore! 16 potential companions await, each with a bold personality and some being a little bit more unhinged than others.
  • Tonnes of enemies for you to FIGHT or BEFRIEND! This world has no shortage of intense battles with opponents that range from weird, wacky, tough, cute, and outright goofy!
  • Figure out why everyone’s crazy for hoarding EXP (hopefully it doesn’t have any side effects) and engaging in tough Souls-like dating mechanics(?).
  • Minigames that’ll challenge your limits, like having to spell your name, dodging space invaders, copying the circus mimes, and paying your taxes.
  • A branching narrative with different endings depending on your choices, friendships, and other stuff that happens in life.
Athenian Rhapsody gameplay

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