Bug Academy (Switch) review: Come flies with me

by MaddOx

If you asked me what superpower I would want if I could have any, I’d probably say something standard like flying or turning invisible. But, another cool power would be to control animals and have them do my bidding. But since I don’t have that power, I guess playing Bug Academy will have to suffice for now.

A physics-based puzzle game developed by Igrek Games, Bug Academy has you taking control of a small fly who is tasked with navigating all the levels before you. Each level is totally different, offering a wide range of tasks from collecting mushrooms, navigating dark tunnels and throwing cows. Yes, I said throwing cows.

Obviously one fly isn’t going to be able to throw a cow by itself, which is why you’ll have to search some levels to find friends and create a swarm. With a swarm, you are able to lift heavier objects and break through barriers that stand in your way much easier. Should you need alone time though you can drop back down to a single fly by tapping X.

Bug Academy gameplay with flies mixing soup

The aim of each game is to complete the level in the time or beating the score, that is set. Doing so will reward you with either a bronze, silver or gold star. These stars then collect to unlock new levels, as well as customisations for your fly in the gift shop. Things such as hats to make your bug look fly? Get it? I’m wasting these jokes on you.

Before I played I wasn’t sure if Bug Academy would be for me. But it genuinely surprised me how fun it was. And it is really addictive too. I just couldn’t put it down until my battery died and I had to go dock the Switch to charge it back up. For such a casual style game to do that is quite impressive with me, as I normally jump from game to game.

Moving on to Bug Academy’s mechanics, they work really well. Admittedly, I did get in a tizzy at times. It wasn’t that the puzzles were hard, just some challenges required patience and precision. Such as the tower building levels, where you stack blocks to a certain height. Easy enough on paper, but as blocks swing and collide, the tower can soon come crumbling down.

Fighting aliens in space with flies

On the graphics side of things, the game is of a very cartoony style, perfect for the target audience for this game which is small children. Or big children like me with a lower mental age than their actual one. Whilst basic, there were some subtle details that you appreciate like letters on blocks, the grain on wood, amongst many others. It really fit the game well.

The thing that has surpised me most about Bug Academy though, is for a game full of bugs, I didn’t find one of the bad kind. I didn’t have any freezing, movement was always nice and fluid, never getting stuck and haviong toi restart a level. It all worked as it should and felt really polished. So I’m not saying there aren’t any, but I didn’rt experience any.

As such, I don’t think there is any doubt in my mind when I score this game. Bug Academy is one of the most fun titles I’ve played this year, and one of the most polished too. It offers so much variety, nice challenges that aren’t too difficult for those of a younger age, and keeps you coming back for more. Definitely a must have on the Switch for me.

Bug Academy TL;DR:

  • A casual physics-based puzzle game that is easy to pick up and get in to, but not so easy to put back down;
  • There is so much variety with no two levels ever the same, and so many different tasks to complete;
  • The system of awarding stars really adds a competitive edge to the game as you try and perfect those times and scores;
  • Graphics really fit the game well and are as polished as the game itself.


Bug Academy is developed by Igrek Games with Ultimate Games responsible for its conversion from Steam to console. The game is co-published by Ultimate Games and Gaming Factory S.A. It is available on Nintendo Switch via the eStore, click HERE to head there now. And whilst you wait for it to download, why not click HERE to check out more of our reviews.

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