505 Games is welcoming players and space enthusiasts on a totally tubular space-building and exploration adventure with the early access release of Oddyssey: Your Space, Your Way on Steam. Developed by Weird Fish, a newly formed independent game studio with AAA development pedigree (Dying Light, Dead Island, Painkiller, Call of Juarez), Oddyssey sends players on a journey through deep space cartoon sandboxes laced with absurdly light-hearted humour and a classic animated visual style. The single-player and co-op multiplayer game is set to launch into early access soon.
Inhabiting a small support ship aptly named the “Oddyssey,” players will scour the galaxy for resources to power the “ARK,” a mega-mothership housing Earth’s last remaining two million human colonists who lie peacefully frozen in slumber. Through nebulas, asteroid fields, and whatever else stands in the way, the Oddyssey’s few awakened colonists will gather resources to further the ARK’s journey or use them to build and expand the ship to uncover new features that make life in space less difficult – and totally more awesome.
Oddyssey: Your Space, Your Way trailer
Death is inevitable (this got dark fast), but not permanent (this got lighter, phew) as astronauts who perish can be replaced by any of the millions of other frozen humans stored on the ARK, awakening with different skills and traits to add everchanging variety to Oddyssey’s gameplay. Players can also hack into character’s genomes to tinker with the very fibres of their being to adapt to the oddities of space travel aboard the Oddyssey.
Oddyssey features single-player gameplay with additional options for 4-player local co-op or 8-player online co-op multiplayer letting players work together to build new rooms, invent new technologies, mine materials, and much more. Each awakened ARK colonist has personal needs and can develop different traits depending on player actions and their ability to manage stress levels – some are gnarly in a good way, some are gnarly in a bad way, some just gnarly.
A vast interstellar sandbox sprawls before players and houses a completely open-ended approach to playing the game. Players can closely follow main storyline events or engage in building freely – roaming and exploring the galaxy to see what adventures lie in deep space. Throughout the game, characters can manage their ship by maintaining various mechanics such as power and resource delivery that develop hazards and impede performance.

The game will blast into Early Access on Steam for PC for £24.99. Wishlists are now open on Steam.
For further details please visit the official Oddyssey: Your Space, Your Way Twitter account @OddysseyGame.
For more information about 505 Games and its products, visit www.505games.com.
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