Tate Multimedia confirm all the speculations of their outstanding community – Yes! They are working on the entirely new Kao the Kangaroo game.
This time Kao will take on a completely new journey. New story, challenges, enemies, visuals, and a whole lot more! They will keep you posted and soon you will be able to see a first glance of the game – so stay tuned!
For everyone who would like to become familiar with everyone’s favourite marsupial, from today (9th of June) until Sunday (14th of June) you can download the classic game – Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 on Steam for FREE!
A little bit of Kao’s history:

Kao the Kangaroo is considered as a part of Poland’s national gaming heritage. The first game – Kao the Kangaroo celebrates its 20th anniversary! This colourful 3D platformer gave a lot of joyful childhood memories to many people around the world. The sequel Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 was in Top 10 for 12 months in Polish retail stores. The game series sold in over 700 000 retail units worldwide up to date.
The whole series includes:
- Kao the Kangaroo (2000) – Dreamcast, PC (Retail – Worldwide)
- Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 (2005) – PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, PC (Retail – Worldwide
- Kao Challengers (2005) PSP extension
- Kao the Kangaroo: Mystery of the Volcano (December 2005) – PC (Retail – Europe)

#BringKaoBack – In Early 2019 the community started an initiative marked by the hashtag #BringKaoBack to support and bring their favourite character back to a modern platform.
As an answer to these requests, Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 has been remastered on Steam. On June 1st, 2019 – as a gift to the community they launched the game on Steam for free. Within 24 hours Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 has been downloaded by over 750 000 players!

#Kao4Australia – January 2020 – as soon as Tate Multimedia found out about the horrific bushfires in Australia they decided to support the worldwide relief – after all it is Kao’s motherland. This started with a 10 days fundraiser with all the Kao The Kangaroo: Round 2 Steam profits were donated to the WIRES (NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service Inc.)

Loading… please wait – Since June 1st, 2020, all the Kao fans are wondering what is going on. There were hundreds of speculations: Is there a Kao sequel in production? Or maybe a trilogy remaster? Now Tate Multimedia are happy to confirm:
Kao is Back!
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