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Exclusive Interview with Streamer Jay Caullay

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So far we’ve only interviewed Indie Developers but we wanted to branch out a little, bring you guys something new to sink your teeth into. Thus, welcome to our first Q&A with a Streamer, Mr Jay Caullay.

Whether it be Twitch or YouTube, so many people are now streaming their gameplay online for others to see; some show their competitive skills, some like to show bugs and glitches to bring laughter into our lives and others use these platforms to do video game reviews. So without further ado, here is the chat we just had with up and coming streamer Jay Caullay.

Hello and welcome to Full Sync Gaming. Let’s start with a small introduction of yourself.

I’m Jay, 27, from the UK and have been gaming for years and years! I’ve been streaming and uploading broadcasts and videos since late June and am approaching 1500 follows on twitch. With every single one of them an amazing figure of support!

What was it that got Jay Caullay into Streaming games?

I liked the idea of broadcasting to others, like sharing a game you enjoy with a room full of interested people. Twitch being a fantastic platform for doing it, without the mess and a trashed house. I have a friend who is absolutely fantastic at what he does who streams as a full-time job, who without him I probably wouldn’t be doing it at all. So with that, I would say with help from @JMotionZ (Twitch: JNainu) I wouldn’t be where I am today streaming for people around the world!

 And what kind of style do you go for in your streams? Are you quite a laid back let’s have some fun kind of guy, or do you take things very seriously?

I don’t play competitively in the majority of my games so a lot of the time it’s a very laid back relaxing stream. Comprised of interaction with anybody who’s joining or returning to the stream. I think it helps I’m a calm person who just likes to be themselves and the people who are regulars in the chat are of a very similar mindset, they both go hand in hand in setting the mood!

So what games is it Jay Caullay mainly plays then? Do you have a favourite genre?

I don’t really have a game that is the main game; I have gone from Battlefield to FIFA to Mass Effect to WWE to Final Fantasy. It really is a big variety stream in this channel! With that being said every now and then you’ll find a game or a concept that draws in a lot of people at certain times. For example, lately the Jackbox Collection is a favourite for evening/night streams, it’s a set of games that require plenty of viewer interaction and we all love it. The same with WWE games on Sundays, especially if there is a real PPV on that night!

As for my favourite genre, I would have to sway toward RPG titles, they are very easy games to immerse yourself in and usually give off a great sense of accomplishment upon completion.

Yeah, you can’t beat a good RPG. How did you manage to build up such a large following in the space of only a few months? Did you find it difficult to draw in an audience?

It was hard; to begin with, I did what quite a lot of people do and go with the follow for follow tactic, whilst getting to 250-300 was easy with the method, it didn’t feel as much of an accomplishment as it should have. Since then, to get the following I actually prioritised my channel less and supported others around the same level as me. The sense of achievement was there as we all grew together, like one big community. Treat and support others how you want to be supported. Putting that hard work in, doing that helps you and those around you get a following. I still talk and visit the streams of those people, and they do the same, with us all shouting each other out!

I think finding games that get the audience involved really helped my channel out recently too, when people have the opportunity to be a part of something happening on stream and get a good first impression of the streamer, it’s a follow at first sight.

Nice to see not everyone is just out for themselves. What systems does Jay Caullay stream on then? Are you a PC or Console gamer, or do you like to mix it up? And what other equipment do you use?

Yeah, it really puts me off a people when they give off that attitude from the beginning. But that’s personal preference, people stream for different objectives. I currently stream on Xbox systems, when I first started the twitch app was more than enough for me and a great place to start. I currently stream my Xbox through my PC as it gives me a chance to customise the look of my broadcasts through the OBS software. There are plans in the future for PC AND iDevice gaming streams, I hope to get either of those rolled out by the middle of 2017!

For in game talking on consoles it’s literally just a standard Xbox headset. For a mic on stream and recording I use an Audio Technica AT2020 USB+ it’s amazing and a great mic if you want to take your stream to the next level!

PC wise, I have a AMD A8-7650K Radeon R7 Processor, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G Video Card, a AMD Radeon(TM) R7 Graphics and RAM 6.0 GB.

Seems like Jay Caullay has quite the plan set out. Where would you like to be this time next year?

It’s all set out, just need to put it into action! This time next year I’m aiming for a bigger community and to be able to offer an even better viewing experience for all. Whether that’s a more interactive stream or to be in a position to offer more giveaways to those who follow and/or sub. Numbers wise I’m aiming for 3000 follows and 15 subs.

 Sounds great. Hopefully, you can exceed your targets. What advice could you offer for someone who is just starting out or wanting to get into streaming?

Thank you! I would say if you wanted to get into streaming, be prepared for the first few months to be the hardest. Support others how you would like to be supported. But most of all, have fun whilst you’re doing it, never give up!

Fantastic advice. Well, that’s near enough everything, just one final random question. How do you like your eggs in the morning?

Not Fertilised. I’m kidding! Usually hard fried with plenty of bacon

Well, that’s all for now, such a fun chat I had with Jay Caullay. Hopefully, he is the first of many streamers that we get to talk to. If you’d like to take a look at some of his videos on YouTube or follow him on Twitch/Twitter, you can find all his details below.

Editor’s Note: If you have something to say about your channel we want to give you the place to do it! Just get in touch with us via our Twitter or fire an email at for details. 

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