Conquer Castle Kong on PC or Switch & Win $5,000

by Rebel.Red.Carnation

Castle Kong, a homage to the classic Nintendo arcade game, Donkey Kong, is released by Drowning Monkeys Games, a veteran led experienced developer, on PC Steam (Link), on June 4th 2020 followed on Nintendo Switch on July 4th 2020. For a limited time, the game will be available with a 33% discount – $10.04/€8.70/£8.03 on both platforms (normal price $14.99/€12.99/£11.99).

Simplicity Rules

Mirroring the full retro feel, ambience and addictive qualities of the original classic, Castle Kong truly transports the gamer back to delight in some of the challenges, moreish gaming appeal and arcade platforming that you will be coming back for more. 22 levels traversing through four different stages, with just 3 lives to complete your epic quest.

Play and Win

To add spice, and an unmissable offer, the developer has added a $5000 bounty/reward to the first player to complete Castle Kong and reach the kill screen, available until 6th June 2021, with additional prizes for the 10 top high scores that are posted by September 5th 2020.


  1. Please visit the website for up to date Rules
  2. Castle Kong will only become fully playable on June 5th. This is to keep people from practicing the later levels and winning on day 1


  • First to the kill screen: $5000* (Winner is only eligible for this prize)
  • Highest Score (other than the “Kill Screen” contestant): $1250
  • 2nd Highest Score: $1000
  • 3rd Highest Score: $500
  • 4th-9th Highest Scores: $250

To enter and post your score click HERE.

The Good Old Days

Castle Kong to the vast majority on initial inspection will look exactly like an original presentation lacking certain finesse and sophistication of a technology-led processor hungry title which is exactly our aim. We wanted to create a game that looked, felt and played like an arcade classic of bygone days, a truly heartfelt homage to a classic, like Donkey Kong. Offering both a challenge and having an appeal that makes the player want to play just a little bit more each time they load up, whether it be for five minutes or a few hours….. Castle Kong fits perfectly. Complete the game, reach the kill screen and you could be the big cash prize winner!

Josh Chudnovsky – Drowning Monkeys Games.

For more gaming news check out our website right HERE.

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