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Boxelware’s popular space sandbox game Avorion celebrates its anniversary – with a huge update.

One year ago today, Avorion left the “Early Access” on Steam by reaching version 1.0. The game had been built and optimized together with the community during the time in Early Access was now ready for what is called the “full commercial launch” in the game industry. 

The launch was successful, sales figures rose to around 300,000 units, but the journey did not end there – the developers stayed on the ball, worked hard and produced update after update. And now, just in time for the one-year launch anniversary, Update 2.0 is just around the corner. It will fundamentally change the game in many parts and significantly improve many systems with massive changes. The following changes are planned:

New progression system where players acquire building knowledge of the various materials
New “Classic Avorion” scenario without the new progression
Fully configurable “Free Play” scenario
Captains with specialized talents and personalities
Improved AI orders to send your ship to go mining, trading, scouting and more
Improved UI visuals
Improvements to the independent targeting mechanics

Many “quality of life”-improvements like less micromanagement, easier crew management and travelling to far away sectors, autopilots, many balancing changes, UI improvements like a sector overview that shows available missions, goods and crew members of all stations, and many, many more!
­ We promise: Avorion will feel like a new game.

Check the game out on Steam!

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