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We’re going home: Erangel Classic returns to PUBG!

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PUBG has been in very regular rotation this year, thanks to a work mate that loves it, too. We play weekly and I’ve been hitting the battle royale quite hard. Dropping in Erangel after all this time still feels great, hitting those spicy drops and going for broke.

In fact, Erangel, despite all it’s updates and improvements, still feels like home. The original map, where we would drop School, Prison or Pochinki. The flooded village my brother loves so much, or somewhere like Myalta, trying to keep in the circle and loot-up.

I’ve loved all the maps, but nothing feels as good as the OG. We all crave nostalgia and look back with those rose-tinted glasses, don’t we? Well, PUBG is giving us what we all want. Classic Erangel.

Here’s what PUBG Corporation have to say!

Erangel Classic - Church

Classic Erangel

Get ready for a trip down memory lane because Erangel Classic is finally making its grand return to PUBG! This is your chance to revisit the legendary map and reminisce about all those clutch wins (and hilarious deaths) you shared with your friends back in the day.

Mark Your Calendars!

Erangel Classic will replace the current Erangel map in Normal Matches during this time.

A Nostalgic Experience Awaits

Brace yourselves for a wave of nostalgia as we bring back the features that defined the early days of PUBG on the original Erangel! This is your chance to relive the classic PUBG experience, so get ready to:

A Perfect Blend of Old and New

Erangel Classic captures the essence of the original Erangel while offering the refined gameplay you know and love. We’ll be releasing detailed patch notes on May 13th, so stay tuned for a complete list of all the throwbacks!

We can’t wait to see you back on the Battlegrounds!

Nostalgia trip or reflection on how far we’ve come?

It’ll be interesting to see Erangel like it used to be. One because we all love it and reminisce about it, but two, because the game has improved and grown so much.

That texture pop-in, moments after you’ve landed, only to find yourself stuck inside a building. Those perilous car journeys where a slight jump could kill you. Obviously the rough and ready elements are gone, so this will like like it used to, but presumably won’t “feel” like it used to.

Can the cosmetic shift hit that nostalgia high? Will Erangel not be the same without the general wonkiness that was as much a part of the experience of PUBG at release? I’m not sure, but damn, I’m intrigued!

I’d hazard a good few people will come back to take a look, too. Is this the PUBG swansong before they release the game on Unreal 5? Unlikely, but it does seem like a good way to go if that’s how they do it.

Are you excited to go back in time a little?

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