Super Rare Games expands to PlayStation with releases of Flynn: Son of Crimson, Source of Madness, and The Touryst

Since 2018, Super Rare Games has set a gold standard for bringing the finest indie games to Nintendo Switch™. Today, they’re raising the bar yet again by venturing into new territory — PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Super Rare Games has announced the release of three acclaimed titles for PlayStation: Flynn: Son of Crimson (PS4), The Touryst (PS4), and Source of Madness (PS4/PS5).

They’re kicking things off with a bang by bringing these renowned Switch physical releases to the PlayStation platform, with a total of 2,000 copies for each game, meaning 4,000 copies for Source of Madness. Fans and collectors should mark their calendars for June 22nd at 6 pm BST (10 am PDT/1 pm EDT), when these limited-edition games go on sale exclusively at superraregames.com.

Super Rare Games’ PlayStation releases promise to uphold the same quality standard they’ve set for the Nintendo Switch. Each PlayStation game will include a game printed on the disc, a full-colour manual, interior artwork, an exclusive sticker, and a slipcover. Moreover, each PlayStation release will be individually numbered — much like their Nintendo Switch physicals — allowing collectors to easily keep track of their prized collections.

From the mysterious world of Flynn: Son of Crimson to the adventurous paradise in The Touryst, and the Lovecraftian-inspired universe of Source of Madness, these titles bring the immersive gameplay, compelling narratives, and creative design that PlayStation enthusiasts are eagerly waiting for.

Let’s take a look at each of the games that Super Rare Games are bringing to PlayStation gamers.

Super Rare Games PlayStation titles

Super Rare Games PlayStation titles

Flynn: Son of Crimson

Flynn: Son of Crimson is an immersive 2D action-platformer developed by Studio Thunderhorse and Humble Games. As the titular character Flynn, players must master the art of Crimson Energy to protect the enchanting island of Rosantica from The Scourge invasion. Players will also have a mythical companion, Dex, the Guardian Spirit of the Land, by their side in this visually stunning adventure.

Key features

The Touryst

Meanwhile, The Touryst, developed by Shin’en Multimedia, offers an action-adventure exploration game that transports players to exotic islands filled with ancient monuments. Players can experience an adventure as varied as life itself — from uncovering secret passages in deep mines to dancing at a beach party, this game truly encapsulates the tourist life of your dreams.

Source of Madness

Last, but certainly not least from Super Rare Games, Source of Madness, a product of Carry Castle and Thunderful Publishing, is a side-scrolling dark action roguelite set in the twisted Lovecraftian-inspired world of the Loam Lands. As a new Acolyte, players will embark on a nightmarish odyssey and unearth the cosmic secrets of the Loam Lands and The Tower of Madness, the moon’s mysterious Citadel.

Key features

With such a stellar lineup, Super Rare Games is poised to make a significant impact on the PlayStation gaming scene. PlayStation enthusiasts can look forward to their exclusive offering and dive into these masterfully crafted worlds come June 22nd.

For more updates about these and other thrilling gaming news, stay tuned to FULLSYNC.

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