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Ultimate ADOM – Caverns of Chaos Receives “Corruption and Hunger” Update

Ultimate ADOM Caverns of Chaos logo header

Publisher Assemble Entertainment and developer Team ADOM today announced the launch of a massive new update for their “modern-meets-classic” roguelike dungeon crawler Ultimate ADOM – Caverns of Chaos. The “Corruption and Hunger” update comes with two challenging new mechanics, two new playable classes — the Chaos Knight and the Troll, and a host of fixes and patches.

Ultimate ADOM – Caverns of Chaos is currently available in Early Access on Steam for Windows PC, Mac, and Linux. If that wasn’t good enough news for Adomites, the man behind the series, creator Thomas Biskup, will be live streaming via Twitch and YouTube today at 4:00pm BST / 5:00pm CEST.

With “Corruption and Hunger,” the dev team has implemented a wide breadth of fixes and gameplay improvements. The update also adds mechanics that introduce even more layers to an already rich experience, as well as offering a new class and a new race for players to experiment with: The Chaos Knight, who thrives by absorbing corruption, and the Troll, who comes ready to smash things, but requires a lot of food to keep those enormous muscles working. The update also adds prefixes and suffixes to the armor types, which allows for the creation of a staggering 200 million new items.

Ultimate ADOM – Caverns of Chaos is a follow-up to the genre-defining roguelike title from 25-years ago! With challenging gameplay, permadeath, randomly generated levels, and more items crafting, and skills than you can shake a severed limb at, Caverns of Chaos is a title that rewards multiple playthroughs and players who crave that “just one more run before bed” feeling.

Check out the Ultimate ADOM – Caverns of Chaos “Corruption and Hunger” trailer

Ultimate ADOM | Corruption & Hunger Update Trailer | April

Key Features in the “Corruption and Hunger” Update:

Ultimate ADOM – Caverns of Chaos is now available on Windows PC, Mac, and Linux via Steam for £17.49/€19.99. The game is currently available in English with German, French, Russian, and Simplified Chinese in the works. For more on the game and the development progress, visit the official site at https -//

Assemble Entertainment is also offering a “Save the World” Edition for Ultimate ADOM – Caverns of Chaos that contains bonus wallpapers and the original soundtrack! In keeping with the game’s theme of battling corruption, for every “Save the World Edition” sold, Assemble will donate 10% of the proceeds to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The “Save the World Edition” is available on Steam for £25.99/€29.99.

Ultimate ADOM Character Artwork of two characters

Developed by Team ADOM and published by Assemble Entertainment, Ultimate ADOM – Caverns of Chaos is now available on Windows PC, Mac, and Linux via Steam Early Access. Add the game to your wishlist by visiting the Steam Store page and learn more at the official Ultimate ADOM website

For more information about development, early access roadmap info, and dev diaries, follow the developer blog here

Stay up-to-date with Ultimate ADOM by following the game on FacebookTwitter, and Reddit. 

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