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Team17 Joins Forces with Void Interactive for Ready Or Not

Ready Or Not logo

Team17 have signed a partnership with Void Interactive that will see the studio’s debut, Ready or Not, launch under the independent games label. The tactical shooter, which drops players into the role of elite operatives looking to diffuse hostile situations, is headed to Steam Early Access.

Breaching, clearing, and engaging in stealth tactics will be vital for success, along with commanding a squad of operatives, with strategic equipment loadouts having a dramatic impact on the mission. Non-lethal options will be instrumental to players too; arrests will need to be made and civilians saved to ensure each danger is dealt with swiftly and safely.

Ready? Breach and clear before jumping into this trailer:

Ready or Not - Partnership Announcement Trailer

Ready or Not Key Features

Ready Or Not Door Breach

We’ve been working hard to make Ready or Not an immersive and engaging tactical shooter, and have already attracted a keen and excited community around the title. We’re thrilled that Team17 shares the same passion and ambitions for the game as we do, and we’re already working together to deliver an immersive and adrenaline-fuelled experience.

Julio Rodrigeuz, Chief Executive Officer, Void Interactive

Void Interactive are a hugely ambitious studio, and Ready or Not is an equally ambitious game. We’re very excited to work on the title, it fits within our broad stable of more mature titles, and we’re looking forward to working with Void as they look to deliver a truly engaging, squad-based tactical shooter.

Chris Coates, Head of Studio, Team17

To keep up to date with all the information on Ready or Not please like Team17 on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, and join them on Discord.

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