Sandberg has developed and refined its solar cell technology and is now pleased to present three brand new types of powerbanks with solar cells.
In fact, two of them are just as much solar cells with built-in powerbanks. The solar panels are expandable and provide up to 21W.
Unlike many competitors, Sandberg uses American solar cells with high performance per area. In other words, this means that more power is produced in relation to how much space the product takes up and weighs in your backpack.
It’s getting to the stage where we can’t go on a boat trip, climb a mountain or simply go to a festival without needing to share and blog on a constant basis. And this requires power! Power is necessary for mobiles, tablets, notebooks, GPS devices, cameras and everything else. It is always possible to find sunlight. The stronger the light, the better the power generation. That’s obvious. Having said that, our solar cell products also produce excellent results on cloudy days.
Erling Hoff Petersen, Sales Director at Sandberg A/S
The new powerbanks with solar cells are currently on their way to the market.
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