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Mafia: Definitive Edition Debuts Noir Mode in First Post-Launch Update

Players can now experience Noir Mode, an atmospheric, film noir-inspired visual filter, as well as new HUD options and more.

2K and Hangar 13 released the first post-launch update for Mafia: Definitive Edition, which adds new features free for all players. Among these new features is Noir Mode, a visual option that paints Mafia: Definitive Edition’s gameplay and cinematics with a vintage black-and-white look, complete with moody film grain effects to further accentuate game’s Prohibition Era aesthetic.

noir mode

The update also includes new heads-up display (HUD) options that allow players to switch the in-world main objective marker on and off; switch mini-map enemy markers on and off in all difficulty settings; enable or disable navigation features like turn-by-turn instructions and mini-map GPS; and enable a new minimal HUD mode that hides HUD elements like the mini-map, speedometer, and objective text.

The new update adds the below new features to the game:

Black and white cities looks absolutely gorgeous

Mafia: Definitive Edition fixes in this update include but are not limited to the following:

If you experience any issues with Mafia: Definitive Edition after applying the update, please submit a ticket at

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