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First Look at Bà Triệu of Vietnam

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Earlier this week, we announced the fifth DLC for Civilization VI – New Frontier Pass – the Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack – will be launching on January 28. Today we’re revealing a First Look at Bà Triệu of Vietnam. Here is some key information as related to Civilization VI:

Bà Triệu, also known as Triệu Thị Trinh or Lady Triệu, fought against the occupation of northern Vietnam by the Wu Kingdom in the early 200s AD. She wore bright golden armor and carried a sword in each hand, and her prowess on the field and uniform earned her the title “The Lady General Clad in Golden Robe.” 

Bà Triệu of Vietnam

First Look at Bà Triệu of Vietnam

Vietnam’s “Nine Dragon River Delta” unique ability makes all land speciality districts only buildable on Rainforest, Marsh or Woods tiles. Buildings on each type of tile receive either additional Science, Production or Culture. This ability also allows Woods to be planted with the Medieval Faires civic.

Bà Triệu’s unique ability is “Drive Out the Aggressors,” providing additional Combat Strength for units fighting in Rainforest, Marsh or Woods tiles; this bonus is further increased for tiles owned by Vietnam. Beginning a turn in Rainforest, Marsh or Woods also provides additional Movement, which is also furthered for owned tiles.

The Voi Chien is a unique Medieval era ranged unit, capable of moving after attacking and has additional Movement. It is more expensive than the Crossbowman unit it replaces, but is stronger when defending and has greater sight.

Vietnam’s unique district is the Thanh, offering additional Culture for each adjacent district. Once Flight is researched, the district generates Tourism equal to its Culture output. It doesn’t require a population and is cheaper to build than the Encampment district it replaces. 

Content is being delivered on a bimonthly basis until March 2021, and the fifth DLC – the Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack – will launch on Thursday, January 28, 2021. The Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack is included to owners of the Civilization VI – New Frontier Pass, which is priced at £32.99; the Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack is available for individual purchase at £7.39. The Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack requires Civilization VI to play.

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