Face Empress Caiatl’s commanders on the battlefield and engage in gladiatorial combat to determine the fate of the system
As part of the Season of the Chosen, Bungie have released the newest Strike in Destiny 2: the Proving Grounds. Zavala, Commander of the Vanguard, has issued a challenge to Caiatl, who has called for Guardians to prove themselves. Guardians will battle against the champions of the Cabal, fight for glory, and emerge as Champions of Humanity.
Guardians will battle across Nessus inside the monstrous Cabal Land Tank to earn Caiatl’s approval and entry into the Proving Grounds, where they will face the Champion of the Cabal and determine the Last City’s fate. Let the rite of proving commence!
The Proving Grounds is the latest Strike in the Season of the Chosen, joining the Devil’s Lair and Fallen S.A.B.E.R. Strikes to rotate out of the Destiny Content Vault. In Season of the Chosen, Guardians go head-to-head with the Cabal in the Battlegrounds after Zavala rejects Empress Caiatl’s offer of alliance. Season of the Chosen will run until 11th May.

For more on Season of the Chosen click here.
For more on Destiny 2: Beyond Light click here.
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